About the Course
What is this national crisis regarding college private loans? Learn which loans are the good, bad and the ugly from a loan lender professional.
Your Instructor
Beth McSweeney
Beth has over 26 years of experience working in higher education, having served as a Counselor and Director at a small trucking school in Baltimore, then as a Counselor at the University of MD, Baltimore. She has worked for PNC Student Lending since 2007 and feels fortunate to have the opportunity to help students pursue their higher education dreams. As a member of DE-DC-MD ASFAA (more conveniently known as “TriState”), she has held a number of positions, including Secretary, Chair of Federal Relations Committee, Business Partner Committee and Organization and Governance Committee, as well as serving on several other committees over the years. She is also a member of NJASFAA, formally served as Membership co-chair, and on the Government Relations Committee; and co-chair of the 2022 Virtual Conference with West Virginia's association (WVASFAA).