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Understanding the Types of Financial Aid


March 2, 2023 at 11:00:00 PM


30 min

About the Course

Learn from a financial aid professional on the available sources of aid available to students. Student financial aid includes grants, scholarships, work-study jobs, and loans.

Your Instructor

Fawn Leipold

Fawn Leipold is currently the Assistant Director of Financial aid at The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences. She has been in financial aid for 13 years working across undergraduate. graduate, and medical school institutions. She started out as a Default Prevention Specialist, learning all about loans early in her career and continued to be a point person for loan repayment; and counseled hundreds of students on debt management. When she is not helping students, she is helping the homeless as a board member and volunteer, of a newly established local nonprofit, Heart of Angels. In her spare time, she’s hanging with her teenage daughter and dog sitting.

Fawn Leipold
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